
Upcoming Courses:

The Golden Chain: An Introduction to Yiddish Poetry

Curious about Yiddish poetry? Eager to draw on Yiddish literature as inspiration for your own writing and art? No language or cultural background is required for this four-week, online course introducing the richness, beauty, and diversity of Yiddish poetry. Together we’ll read and discuss great Yiddish poems and writers, exploring the themes, contexts, and concerns of modern Yiddish poetry and their meaning for our own lives and labors.

Time and place: Zoom, Thursdays, 7:00 pm-8:30 pm EST,

Price: $90-180, on a sliding scale. If you’d like to participate but the lower range of this would be prohibitive, please email me; no one will be turned away.

To register, please send payment to my paypal (djkraft13@gmail.com) or venmo (@danny-kraft-1) — in the payment message, include the email address where you’d like to receive the link, recordings, and other information. Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.

Upcoming Events:

10/22/2023 – Online poetry reading with Boris Dralyuk and Mira Rosenthal